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  • Overview

    Wayfare makes it easy to get all your data in one place, keep it fresh, and stay within budget every time it needs to move again.

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  • Data Integration

    Wayfare makes it easy to get all your data in one place, keep it fresh, and stay within budget every time it needs to move again.

    Learn about Data Integration

  • Data Governance

    Apply enterprise governance principles to your data at scale - in a way that still enables everyone to get work done.

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  • Data Lineage

    Track every single touchpoint with your data to know, with certainty, how it got to its current state.

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  • Data Transformation

    Get a dedicated GitOps-for-data solution with the industry's leading data transformation tool - dbt.

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    Make sure you rely on rock-solid truths and automatically document every change your data undergoes.

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  • Data Security & Privacy

    Bank-grade data protection controls that go beyond secret management.

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  • Data Activation

    Wayfare's built-in Reverse ETL solution gets your data ready for BI, ML and AI usage in minutes.

    Learn about Data Activation

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· knowledge · 5 min read

Understanding complex data relations using graphs

How graph theory can be leveraged to better understand complex data landscapes

How graph theory can be leveraged to better understand complex data landscapes

One of wayfare.ai’s core values is to help companies create data pipelines in very complex data landscapes.

As companies grow, databases tend to grow beyond intended, documentation becomes outdated, and the overview of data relations and dependencies is lost. At some point it can become practically unfeasible to understand and untangle the data manually. This makes it very difficult to interact, sync and migrate data.

In this blog, we will describe how graphs can be utilized to provide insights of data relations, which enables us to understand and untangle large and complicated data landscapes.

Why is this relevant?

There are several use cases, where using graph algorithms gives us an advantage when building data pipelines in complex environments. We will dive into a few examples.

Example 1: Moving a subset of tables from a complex database

Before setting up a data pipeline flow from a source, it is paramount to have an in-depth understanding of the source data and its relations.

In our past, we have often had the very unpleasent task of being asked to set up data pipelines, where the source is a large complex database with hundreds of tables, sometimes thousands of relations, outdated documentation and no support. Before setting up a pipeline from these sources to a target database or warehouse, we have had to get an in-depth understanding of these source databases. The ER diagrams are too large to give any value with that amount of tables, and we have had to develop tools to reverse engineer the source database before setting up the pipelines.


Example of an ER diagram of a large legacy database

Now suppose we want to setup a data pipeline from an SQL database of this kind into a data warehouse, and we only want to select a subset of the tables in the database. These tables have multiple foreign keys linking to other tables. It’s important, that we include these as well (and also the tables that the linked tables links to etc.), as we will otherwise end up trying to create tables in the destination with fields linking to non-existing tables.

Take as an example a database with a table of products owned by a phamaceutical company. Every product has a manufacturer and contains one or more active ingredients (see the Figure below). If we were to move the product table without including the manufacturer and ingredients, we will end up with products in the destination that contained links to non-existing manufacturers or ingredients.

Therefore we need include all descendants in the ER diagram of the tables we wish to migrate in order to understand what tables are required.


Building the descendant graph of the Products table in the database ER diagram.

This can be solved with simple graph algorithm. A Python example of finding the descendants of the Product table in a postgres SQL database can be seen below (using the Networkx package to get the descendants).

import networkx as nx
from sqlalchemy_schemadisplay import create_schema_graph
from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# Connect to Postgres database
engine = create_engine(

# Create the ER diagram for the schema and convert to Networkx
pydot_graph = create_schema_graph(
nx_graph = nx.nx_pydot.from_pydot(pydot_graph)

# Find the descendants of the Products table
nx.descendants(nx_graph, 'Products')

This gives the tables which Products depend on as output

{'Manufacturers', 'Ingredients'}

Example 2: Reverse ETL into Salesforce

When syncing into a system like Salesforce, the order of the tables and rows in the sync is important.

An example is when creating territories in the Territory Model. Here, territories can point to other territories, and there is a hierarichal structure within the records in this table.


Example of Salesforce Territory Model.

In the example above, we naturally need to create Denmark before creating Copenhagen, as the territory Copenhagen relates to Denmark. Here we can create the ancestor graph of the hierarichal model and use that to automatically determine the order of the records in the sync.

Example 3: Data lineage

Another useful application is to store the data lineage of the pipelines in a graph, as this will allow for fast and scalable querying. In that way it’s possible to quickly provide overview of ancestors and descendants of datafields.


Data lineage on field level.

This has multiple valuable use cases, for example:

  • Understanding the source origin of a specific dataset field
  • Quickly getting an overview of where certain fields containing GDPR data is used

More Advanced Graph algorithms

Sometimes more advanced techniques are nessecary. Suppose we want to set up a data pipeline, where we in a transformation step in our data warehouse, wants to join multiple tables that are very far from each other in the ER diagram. It might be difficult to figure our how these should be joined. Here it may be useful to utlize more advanced graph algorithms like Steiner tree to understand how they should be joined. This unfortunately can’t be used blindfolded, as the desired tables and types of joins are very dependent on the data we wish to end up with, so we recommend only using these algorithms in exploratory phases of very large databases and not in a fully automatic implementation.

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About The Authors

Sebastian Pedersen

Sebastian Pedersen

Head of Data

Malthe Karbo

Malthe Karbo


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